Don't Call Me Lucky By Lucas D. James

Book Don't Call Me luckyland In 2023 it started happening again Luck Leitrenner is a nihilistic brokenhearted crime novelist who grew up in the terror of Coal County with a plethora of addictions and a neurological disorder that causes constant psychedelic hallucinations like the acid trip that never ends Now he spends his days never far from a bottle and as far from Coal County as he can be But when the ten year old daughter of his long dead best friend goes missing Luck fears the murders have started again With the help of his editor and childhood friend River Paige Luck must return to Coal County in a desperate bid to find Lila Cross before it s too late But as they dig deeper as they uncover the disturbing secrets of the small town of Matchstick their lives become entrenched in the horrifying reality of the killer they The Hollow Ripper If you looked God in the eyes even if it burned Could you look away Don t Call Me Lucky offers a deeply personal and intimate psychoanalytical dive into the mind of Luck Leitrenner a character based explicitly on the author as the audience examines a man whose life is fraught with death tragedy and horrifying traumas as he digs through his his most viscerally painful memories in search of one the truth Don t Call Me LuckyDon't Call Me Lucky.


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In 2011 a brutal series of child murders rocked Coal County Ohio